Convert a Riveted Spyderco Manix LW to an OG!
, by Catherine Crumb, 3 min reading time
, by Catherine Crumb, 3 min reading time
Want to elevate your RIVETED Spyderco Manix LW? We can help you make that happen! Come see how one of our OGs made that dream a reality!
We were approached by a customer asking if our scales would be compatible with the riveted Spyderco LW Manix...as they had searched high and low, and no other maker provided options that would allow this conversion to happen...well, challenge accepted!!
He provided the instructions and we provided the scales...and we proved, that YES...it is indeed possible...it does require some hardware and some man hours to make this conversion a reality...but you can ditch those plastic handles and upgrade your favorite riveted Spyderco Manix LW to our Original GOAT Manix LW scales using this method!
WE WOULD ASSUME THIS VOIDS YOUR SPYDERCO WARRANTY...AND WE ADVISE PROCEEDING WITH CAUTION AND AT YOUR OWN RISK...we are not able to provide replacement parts if you make an mistake!
***Also as a precautionary measure, wrap your blade in masking or painters tape to prevent damage during work!***
Here is what you will need:
Pivot Barrel 1/8"D x 5/16"L for folders with (2) 2-56 x 1/4 BH SS (Qty 1) (Used as barrel above locking mechanism)
1) Carefully remove the rivets from your original model using the following method:
Start with a 1/8" drill bit (American-made) and begin to drill out those rivets, once you have created a small hole with the small bit, then take a slightly larger drill bit and drill the pan head part of the rivet off, then flip and punch out the rivet using a small punch, paneling nail, or anything else that will allow you to tap that rivet out of the hole.
2) Remove all internal pieces and KEEP (ball and ball cage, spring, lock bar, liners, and pivot)
3) Trim Screw Barrels (AMAZON AND USAKNIFEMAKER barrels) to correct length of .278" using a Dremel cut-off tool. These Barrels should include a "step" and you can use that as a gauge as right at that step, possibly .002-.003 thousands left of material from the step should be about perfect. Best way found to cut those down is to put those items in a vice, and then using a Dremel cut off tool, put the cutoff flush against the barrels at 90 degrees and gently push and that should begin to grind that material away and keep them squared off!
4) Using a vice, secure lock bar and use drill to open up that hole just slightly, and continue to test fit with screw barrel spacers until those fit smoothly through the lock bar.
5) Rebuild knife as an OG...place washers in screw holes to prevent those screws from breaking through the material, but all other pieces should go back in the same locations as your riveted option, and once built, you will now have an OG!
See below for additional photos of process.